Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Question #9: Where do they live?

The Iroquois lived in long houses shared by several families. A tribes long house is about 150ft long and 20 ft. wide


Iroquois people mainly wore shirts, pants, leggings, robes and capes. The men wore feathers in their hair and wore jewelery all over their body. Most of them wore a ring in their nostrils. The woman wore skirts, and robes mainly made out of deer skin. They wore moccasins as their footwear.

Question #7: Special rules or laws in the tribe.

The Iroquois run are run by a Matriarch society. Women shared social and political power

Question #6: What type of belief system do they have?

The Iroquois were ruled under a system called the confederacy. The confederacy was a union under 5 tribes under 1 government on the basis of equality. No 1 person had the right to order anyone to do anything. But women held more power than men in this tribe.

Question # 5: What are some ceremonies?

The Iroquois had many different and important religious beliefs and ceremonies the most important of which was Great Spirit, who was responsible for the creation of human beings, the plants and animals, and the forces of good in nature. The Iroquois believed that Great Spirit guided the lives of ordinary people.

Question # 4: What is the weather and climate for the Iriquois land?

The weather on the Iroquois land is like the weather now in New York State. It is hot during the summer and very cold during the winter.

Question #3: What state would they live in today

The Iroquois were originally from New York state so they would live in New York state today

Question # 2: How and what the tribe eats

The Iroquois were a mix of farmers, fishers, gatherers and hunter. The crops they formed were corn, beans, and squash. Gathering was the job of women and hunting was the job of Men and boys. Males mostly hunted deer, wild turkey and migrated birds. They fished salmon, trout, bass, perss and whitefish. The mens tools were somewhat like our current fishing rods and they also mad spheres.

Question # 1: Native american name and tribe


Monday, March 10, 2008

Neighborhood Assignment

My hood is most of Spanish harlem. I chill everywhere. There will always be beef whereever you go but on my block/ my hood, i feel safe. I dont have to worry about anything I know eveyone and i know that they have my back if they see i need help. In the summer you would most likely find a cookout everyday or little infatable pools out for the litle kids. You would also see people running to line up to get into Jefferson pool first. I love my hood i would see myself living anywhere else.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Letter to a Lost Loved one

Dear Tio Andy,
First thing first I want to let you know that I miss you a lot. I was very little when you died but i still have some memories about you. Like i remember when you were in the hospital because you were sick. We went to go and visit you in your room and you had the t.v on the news and I changed it to cartoons.
I also remember going to your house and you lent me the movie MORTAL KOMBAT. I was so happy that i went home and watched it right away. It soon became my favorite movie and its all i ever wanted to watch was that movie.
Then i remember being at your funeral. I didnt understand why everyone was crying, you were just sleeping in a big shiny box. little did i know you were actually dead. i remember my father crying his heart out it was the first time i saw my father actually cry. Then i went up to your casket and said, " Tio, wake up, everyone is crying and i dont knw why." But u dint reply. I said to myself u must really be tierd because your not waking up.


Freedom Wriers Comentary Paragraph # 6

"Just, Another One" Thats how the kid in this Diary entry kept reffering to the death of his friend. Just another kid dead. But this death touched him and hurt him. This was a close friened that died. A kid that everyone watched grow up.The way the narrotor desribe the kids death is so sad. The mother and sister were holding their son and brother fo the last seconds of his life.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Freedom Writers Commentary Paragraph Diary # 33

Oh my goodness she confessed. Wow the pressure of court really comes over you. I knew that she was going to confess as soon as she saw the mother with the little girl on her lap. The mother the father on trial and the little irl are innocent. The father was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I am happy that EVA confessed because i know guilt. When you have guilt on your chest it is the worst. you dont feel better about the situation until you confess and tell the truth. When you lie and feel guilty about it, its like somene stoping your breathing but when you tell the truth you feel better and it's like you can breathe again. But i feel bad because now her gang is going to feel like she is a snitch and that she's not down to put in work anymore so now they are going to try and kill or hurt her or maybe not because her father is the O.G./ the leader.

Freedome Writers Commentary Paragraph, Diary # 3

This person is obviously a member of the latino gang. As well as Diary # 7 I think it is EVA. I remember that in the movie on her first day of school she got surrounded and pressed by another gang.
I tnk hat it is vey crazy that on the first day of school you have to worry about being jumped. To me the first day of school should be filled with laughter, and sharing memories with your friends. There should be no beef or fights. But it just goes to show that different parts of the world are very different in everyway.

Freedom Writers Commentary Paragraph Diary #7

Wow what a deep diary. First things first. I feel as if it is EVA writing this diary entry. I think it is her because in the movie it really expresses her life as a gang member as well as others but hers just really stood out more that anyones to me for some reason. It's like hers had more blood and tears.
During her first paragaph she expressed how the members of her gang " have to be willing to take a bullet or pull the trigger" This is deep because the people that are in their gang probably dont dive a sh** about her or the people in this gang. They probably just see it as another person ready to die for my crew. It makes no sence because if i were about to join the Bloods they would gladly accept me as long as I put in work, but if i join the crips they would see me as an enemy just because I am crip. This gang shit makes no sence to me and I really hope that the friends I have re-think their choice nd try nd drop out because I know that when u drop out of a gang you are seen as a BI*** nd they want to make sure you die before they leave the gang. But i truly have nothing against my friends that are in gangs what they do with their life is on them and not me. They will suffer the consequenses some day.